This month we are featuring our new books. Our theme is “Let it Snow”.
For those of you who would like to join us but did not read Rock, Paper, Scissors, we are reading the The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. If you would like to join us this month, stop in the library to reserve a copy of the book!
The MAHS library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. each school day. The virtual library is always open — 24/7! Come in and enjoy our Internet access, Chromebooks, print and electronic resources and leisure reading area in comfort!
CLICK HERE for the DESTINY Online Catalog of library books, DVDs, websites and more!
If the book you want is out — put it on hold online!
If your book is overdue — renew it online.
You can recommend books, rate and review books, and even join an online book club — all online from any computer!
Want to know how to cite an AI source? Click on the link below
Libby – Welcome (
Audible Stories – for free – no login, no account, completely anonymous, listen online
James V. Brown Public Library – Online Resources includes fiction, nonfiction, video, audio
CLICK HERE to access Accelerated Reader. Use your school username to log on and then use your regular AR password.
When you log in to Accelerated Reader, you can take quizzes, view your progress (including goals), and view information about the quizzes you have already taken. You can also see ideas for books or articles to read now or top books and articles, nonfiction books, and award-winning books.
The library circulates: books, audio books, DVDs, flash drives and graphing calculators. Textbooks, yearbooks and other reference are available for in-house use. Use the Destiny online catalog to see if an item is available. If you have any questions about the library, please contact Mrs. Linda Keiser, Librarian, at or Mrs. Misty Emick, Library Aide, at
Womanica has approximately 600 five to ten minute podcasts about women who have made a difference. These short podcasts introduce listeners to different themes and different time periods. Listeners are given the opportunity to imagine what is was like to be these women in that time period. Check it out at