Is the author listed?
Are the authors credentials listed? Is the author an expert in the area?
Is the author’s affiliation listed?
Can you contact the author?
Is there an organization that takes credit for the site?
What can you determine about the site by reading the URL suffix?
.gov=government; .org=organization; .edu=educational; .com=commercial
Does the site present both sides?
Does the publisher of the site have an inherent bias such as religious affiliation, political party, industry lobby, or right-to-life/pro-choice?
Are opposing viewpoints acknowledged respectfully?
Do the pages include links to support their ideas?
Is there a bibliography cited?
Is the content appropriate? Does it suit your needs?
Is the content organized in a manner that is easy to use?
Is the content accurate?
Are there spelling or grammatical errors?
Are there useful links connecting from this site?
Can you tell when the site was created?
Has it been updated since its creation?
How up-to-date are the links?
Reviewed 9/27/19