Careers and College Planning
Steps to Career Research
____1. Occupational Outlook Handbook–-Online database with careers.
from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Sample Citation:
“Lawyers.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, 24 Oct. 2017, Accessed 4 Jan. 2018.
____2. Career Books–Reference and regular
Use online catalog to find call number.
Regular books– three week sign-outs. Reference books– overnight.
____3. Interviews and job shadowing
-Remember to take a list of interview questions with you.
You may also sign out a micro cassette recorder for exact quotes.
Sample Citations:
Taormina, Dan. Personal interview. 10 October 2020.
Keiser, Linda. Telephone interview. 4 January 2021.
_____5. Websites– see listing below. Use EasyBib to format your Works Cited citations.
_____6. If you take AP courses, check out which credits could your AP exam scores transfer into as college credit. Visit the site below to search:
Career Web Sites