A “Works Cited” page goes at the end of your research paper, listing all of the reference materials and sources–such as books, essays, articles from periodicals and electronic media, online references, interviews, etc.—from which you have gathered material for writing your paper. List only the sources actually mentioned in your paper.
Check out the template links for fast and up-to-date MLA guides (you type in the information, they format!).
or consult the samples listed at:
1. A Book with a Single Author
Format: Last name, first name. Title of Book. Publisher, Date of Publication.
Example: Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Simon &
Schuster, 1993.
2. A Book with Two or Three Authors
Format: Last name, first name (of author #1) and complete name in normal order (of author #2). Title of Book. Publisher, Date of Publication.
Example: Richter, Peyton, and Lucy Ricardo. Voltaire. Twayne, 1980.
Note: If a book has more than 3 authors, you may list the first author only and then type et al which means and others.
3. A Book with an Editor
Format: Follow name or names with a comma and the word editor(s). Then continue entry as above.
Example: Swisher, Clarice, ed. Victorian Literature. Greenhaven Press, 2000.
4. World Wide Web Site
Format: Name of author (if given). “Name of article or webpage.” Name of website. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the website, date of posting or last revision. Medium of publication. Day month year of access. <URL>.
Example: “Jimi Hendrix.” Biography.com. A&E Television Networks, 2013. Web. 21 Sept. 2015. <http://www.biography.com/people/jimi-hendrix-9334756?page=2>.
5. An Encyclopedia Article
Format: Author, if known, last name first. “Title of article.” Encyclopedia. Edition date. Medium of publication.
Example: Lipking, Lawrence. “Realism.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2000 ed. Print.
6. World Book Online Encyclopedia Article
Format: Author, if known, last name first. “Title of article.” World Book. World Book, 2013. Web. Date of Access.
Example: Coffman, Edward M. “World War I.” World Book. World Book, 2013. Web. 2 Sept. 2013
7. Full-Text Articles from Periodicals on an Online Database (e.g. Infotrac or Elibrary).
Format: Author. “Title of article.” Title of Journal Date of publication : Number range of pages (if given). Name of database. Medium of publication. Date of access .
Example: Anderson, J. “Keats in Harlem.” Newsweek 8 Apr. 1999: 34-9. eLibrary. Web. 2 Sept. 2013.
Example: Russo, Michelle Cash. “Guide to Graphic Novels.” School
Library Journal. August 2004: 178-83. InfoTrac. Web. 3 September 2013.
8. A Collection of Essays by Different Authors
Format: Last name, then first of the author of the particular essay. “Title of Essay.” Title of Collection. Ed. Name of editor. City: Publisher, Date. Page numbers. Medium of publication.
Example: Rachels, James. “Can Ethics Provide Answers?” Taking Sides, Clashing Issues on Controversial Moral Issues. Ed. Satris, Stephen. Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1996. 4-13. Print.
9. An Article from a Magazine, Weekly, or Monthly.
Format: Author, last name first. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine (no punctuation following) Date with number first and no punctuation: page number(s). Medium of publication.
Example: Meacham, Jon. “The New Face of Race.” Newsweek 18 Sept. 2000: 38-41. Print.
Example: Kramer, Milton. “Dreamspeak.” Psychology Today Oct 2000: 56+. Print.
10. An Article from a Journal that uses Volume Numbers
Format: Author, last name first. “Title.” Name of Journal (no punctuation)
Volume Number. Issue Number if given (no punctuation) (year):
page numbers. Medium of publication.
Example: MacDermott, W.N. “The Ghost of Playmate #945.” Ghost Wings 1.1 (1999):14-15. Print.
11. An Article from a Newspaper
Format: Author, last name first. “Title.” Newspaper date: page number. Medium of publication.
Example: Ogurcak, Janice L. “Eating Disorders: A Matter of Life and Death.” Williamsport Sun-Gazette 17 Sept. 2000: E1+. Print.
12. A Pamphlet
Format: Use the same format as a book.
Example: Irwin, Theodore. To Combat and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. New York: Public Affairs Committee, 2000. Print.
13. A Lecture
Format: Name. “Title.” Location. Date. Lecture.
Example: King, Donald. “Tour of Old Montoursville.” Montoursville
Borough Building. 9 September 2000. Lecture.
14. A Film
Format: Director. Title. Company, Date. Medium of publication.
Example: Spielberg, Stephen, dir. War Horse. Dreamworks Pictures, 2012. Film.
15. An Article in an Anthology
Format: Author, if known, last name first. “Title of Article.” Title of Anthology. Ed. name of editor. City: Publisher, Date. Page Numbers (without “p.”). Medium of publication.
Example: Porter, Katherine. “Pale Horse, Pale Rider.” Norton Anthology of WorldMasterpieces. Eds. Maynard Mack et al. New York: Norton, 1979. 1606-47. Print.
16. An Interview
Format: Name of person interviewed. Personal Interview. Date.
Example: Huff, C. Raymond. Personal Interview. 2 September 2004.
17. E-Mail Message
Format: Sender. “Subject of message.” E-mail to recipient. Message date.
Example: Claudius, Ed. “Penn State Football Strategy Tips.” E-mail to Joe Paterno. 25 Sept. 2003.
18. Personal Site
Format: Author. Home page. Date of access and site address.
Example: Buckle, Bruce. Home page. 1 Sept. 2004
Note: Strive to provide as much identifying information as possible with electronic sources, so that if the reader cannot locate the material through your stated web address, it might be found with a network searching tool. In addition, since many Internet sites and resources can sometimes disappear altogether, consider downloading the file or printing the material you use, so that you can verify it if the site is inaccessible later.
The page title of Works Cited should be centered one inch from the top of the page.
Alphabetize the list of sources by the author’s last name. If no author, alphabetize by title for that source.
Do not number the entries.
The first line of each entry is flush with the left margin. All subsequent lines for each entry is indented 0.5 in.
Double space each entry.
Double space between each entry.
When listing more than one work by the same author, alphabetize the works according to the first important word in each title. Do not repeat the author’s name; instead, type three hyphens and a period. Then skip two spaces and type the title.
Use appropriate shortened forms to give the place of publication (OH for Ohio) or the publisher’s name (Random House for Random House, Inc.).
Do not use p. or pp. to indicate page numbers. Cite multiple page numbers in the following ways: 3-7 or 127-29.
All months that are more than four letters long should be abbreviated (Mar for March).
Do not use a comma between a journal title and its volume number (College English 40).
Use the colon in citations for articles in periodicals to separate the year of publication from the page numbers (English Journal 7 July 1999: 113-28).
Use the colon in citations for articles for periodicals to separate year of publication from page numbers (“The First Person Narrator in The Catcher in the Rye.” English Journal 7 July 1989: 113-28).