How Can I Support My Child’s Education?
What should I do if I suspect my child has a learning disability or is educationally gifted?
If as a parent, you feel there is a need for a psycho-educational evaluation of your child educational, social, emotional, or behavioral concerns or other exceptionalities, please contact your classroom teacher with these concerns. At this point, various interventions will be implemented to address the current concerns. If, after a period of 6-8 weeks, the interventions prove to be unsuccessful, the teacher will make a referral to the building level team who will convene to explore other possible supplementary aides and services or placement options for your child. The building level Administrator is involved in this process and will notify the Supervisor of Special Education or Gifted Coordinator. If you decide, as a parent, you would like to request an evaluation of your child the School Psychologist will forward to you a ‘Request to Evaluate’ form to complete and return with your concerns. From there a ‘Permission to Evaluate” form will be issued. Upon receipt of the permission, an evaluation will be conducted within 60 calendar days. A meeting will be scheduled to review the results and educational options to meet the needs of your child.
If you disagree with the results of the psycho-educational evaluation, you have the right to access an outside evaluation of your child. The Montoursville Area School District complies with all federal and state regulations and requirements regarding access to and provision of independent evaluations. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the evaluation process, the following website should provide you with answers:
What if my child is enrolled in a private school?
When a parent who has unilaterally chosen to place their child in a private school requests an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education from their local school district, Child Find responsibilities under IDEA 2004 are mandated. Under IDEA 2004 the school district must either:
1) Issue the Permission to Evaluate and NOREP (Notice of Recommended Educational Placement) and upon receipt of the Signed Permission to Evaluate, the district conducts an evaluation; determines eligibility for special education and, if determined eligible, offer a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the public school as well as notify the parent of the child’s right to receive an offer of EP services from the IU based on the school district’s evaluation if the child remains in private school; or
2) Issue the Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP)explaining why the school district is declining the parent’s request for evaluation (which denial cannot be based on the availability of an evaluation from the IU) and issue the Procedural Safeguards notice to insure the parent’s knowledge of their right to due process.
Screening of Children:
Screening of children includes reviewing immediately available data sources such as health records, cumulative records, enrollment records and report cards. Screening may lead to intervention by support team including the regular education teacher, math coach, and\or remedial reading teacher. This team will communicate with parents about the child’s needs and the support services that will meet his/her needs.
Evaluation of Children:
Before an evaluation for special education services can occur, parental permission will be requested by the school psychologist. Along with requesting permission, the following information will be available:
- who referred the child
- reason for the referral
- what procedures and types of evaluations will be used
- a separate form for parental input will be attached
- the schedule for the evaluation process
- the rights of the parent regarding consent for the evaluation (procedural safeguards)
Once a signed consent form is received in the Special Education Office, an evaluation will be conducted and a report provided within 60 calendar days. This Evaluation Report will be shared with the parents during a conference in which those familiar with the child will also be invited. Attendees, along with the parents and school psychologist, could include the regular education teacher, remedial teachers, school counselor, principal, and Special Education Supervisor. If special education placement is recommended, parents are part of the team that determines exceptionality and develops an Individualized Education Program (IEP) within 10 calendar days. Parents are also given the option to waive the 10 day period to have the IEP meeting by signing consent to have the initial evaluation results reviewed and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) can be developed at the same meeting.