Explanation of ACCESS Program

Many parents of students who receive special education services may have received a letter from the district office regarding PA Medical Assistance billing. Basically, school districts are eligible to receive reimbursement for some of the services that are provided to students with IEPs. These services may include nurse (medication), occupational and physical therapy, speech and language therapy, hearing, psychological (such as when the student is evaluated for services), and personal care assistants.

Since the child’s IEP, Evaluation Report, and health information is shared with the school district’s physician for medical billing, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires the school district to obtain written parental permission.

The services provided to the child are not affected whether the parent gives permission or not. Additionally, whether permission is given or not, parents are never billed for the services and MA will continue to pay for medically necessary, Medicaid-covered services that are provided to your child outside of school.

If you would like more information or have questions, please contact Tim Hanner at  570-368-2491.