Elementary and Middle Schools Borrowing Guidelines
Elementary and middle school students may charge up to a maximum of three (3) meals to their student meal account. Charging will not be permitted for any a la carte items.
When elementary and middle school student meal account balances reach $6.00 or less, cashiers will communicate the student meal account balance information to the students. The cashiers will also offer students a payment envelope and advise each student that additional funds will need to be deposited into their student meal account. Once a student meal account is in arrears for three (3) meals, the head cook will make a courtesy call to inform parents/guardians of the student’s negative meal account balance and request immediate remittance of the amount in arrears.
In the elementary schools, student meal account negative balance letters shall be produced once per week, for distribution by the student’s classroom teacher.
In the elementary and middle schools, the Food and Nutrition Office will mail student meal account negative balance letters once per week to the households of students having student meal accounts with a negative balance of ten (10) or more dollars.
Elementary and middle school students will not be denied a meal; however, an alternate meal (meeting the National School Lunch Program requirements) shall be served to students with student meal accounts that are in arrears for three or more meals. The cost of the alternate meal will be charged to the student’s meal account.
If the negative student meal account balance remains ten (10) or more dollars, the Food and Nutrition Office may alert the building principal and request assistance in the evaluation of circumstances and collection of negative balances.
Deposits into a student meal account received after 10:00 am will be deposited next school day. All deposits will be applied to negative balances first.
High School Borrowing Guidelines
High school students may not charge meals to their student meal account. Additionally, a la carte items may not be purchased by students carrying a negative balance in their student meal account. All balances for lunches provided to students will remain the responsibility of the student and their parent or guardian. Cashiers will communicate student meal account balance information to students at the end of each transaction. When a student’s account reaches $6.00 the student will be given a payment envelope and be reminded to deposit funds into their student meal account.
Deposits into a student meal account received after 10:00 am will be deposited next school day. All deposits will be applied to negative balances first.
Collection of Outstanding Balances
Student meal account negative balances will be carried from school year to school year. Graduating seniors must satisfy all student meal account balances in arrears in order to participate in graduation ceremonies.
The district may institute a collection procedure for unpaid balances including, but not limited to, filing a claim with the District Magistrate or delinquent collection agencies. Parents/Guardians will be responsible to pay the amount due to the cafeteria, as well as any and all fees assigned for collection of monies due to the cafeteria.
Meal Account Balances
Money in the student’s meal account at the end of the school year will be carried over to the next school year. A graduating senior’s money will be transferred to a sibling; or upon request account balances over $3.00 will be refunded.