HS Library MLA Checklist

The Modern Language Association (MLA) publishes specific guidelines on how to format a research report. The MLA style is a required for all student reports at Montoursville Area High School. The MLA style has also been widely adopted in other high schools and academic institutions throughout the country.

You may access the MLA template for “Works Cited” at www.easybib.com.

When you are finished with your Works Cited, be sure to click on “Save to Word” so that your Works Cited is saved.

Many of the online database sources will provide your complete MLA citation at the end of the article. Cut and paste these into your Works Cited or use the information found there when using the easybib template.

You may also use the links on the RESEARCH TOOLS sidebar for a complete guide and samples to MLA format for your Works Cited and Parenthetical References. or consult the samples listed at the Purdue website:

CHECKLIST for MLA Format for Works Cited:

_____ 1. All four margins are set at 1″.

_____ 2. Times New Roman 12 point black font is used for the entire document.

_____ 3. Header with last name and page number is included on each page.

_____ 4. Heading with name, teacher’s name, class name, and date is included at the top of the first page.

_____ 5. Title is center aligned and is keyed in Times New Roman 12 point black font.

_____ 6. Works Cited is on a separate page, and the words “Works Cited” are centered at the top of this page. The Works Cited page is alphabetized by the first entry of each citation. Sometimes this is the author and sometimes it is the article title or book title. It doesn’t matter…..alphabetize by the first entry regardless of the type of source.

_____ 7. The first line of each citation begins at the left margin.

_____ 8. The second and subsequent lines of each citation are indented 1/2″.

_____ 9. Annotations are indented 1/2″.

_____ 10. Citations are not numbered.

_____ 11. Entire document is double spaced with no extra space between paragraphs.