I am very excited to be working at Lyter Elementary School as the elementary counselor. I am available to assist students and their families as the need arises throughout the school year. I firmly believe that good communication between the school and parents is essential in helping children learn to the best of their ability and to succeed in school. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you and your child. In the event of an emergency, please do not use email, but contact Mrs. Lorson at 570-368-2614 during school hours. For 24 hour crisis intervention, call 570-326-7895.
What does a counselor do?
- Works with students individually or in small groups
- Peer Mediator Coordinator
- Works with classroom teachers to develop and implement behavior plans
- Teaches classroom lessons:
Kindergarten | Self Esteem |
First Grade | Conflict Resolution |
Second Grade | Coping Sklls |
Third Grade | Social Skills |
Fourth Grade | Career / Goal Setting |
How do students see the counselor?
- Self referrals (using Mrs. Lorson’s talk slips)
- Teacher referrals
- Parent referrals
- Principal referrals
Student confidentiality is important to us and, as school counselors, we follow all professional standards as well as federal and state laws. All information shared is confidential except in the instances of suspicion of abuse or neglect, harm or threats to harm self or others, and any court order or other legal proceedings. These exceptions to confidentiality are required by law.