The Montoursville Area School District provides the following services and programs for exceptional students. Some of the special educational programs are administered directly by the Montoursville Area School District while others are a cooperative effort between the school district and the Intermediate Unit (BLaST IU #17).
The services/programs reflect students with the following disabilities.
• Autism
• Deaf-blindness
• Deafness
• Emotional disturbance
• Hearing impairment
• Intellectual Disability
• Multiple Disabilities
• Orthopedic Impairment
• Other Health Impairment
• Specific Learning Disability
• Speech or Language Impairment
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Visual Impairment (including blindness).
An individual is determined to be eligible for special education services by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) team, based upon recommendations from a multi-disciplinary evaluation (MDE). Each exceptionality has specific criteria to determine eligibility for a special education service or program.
The following listing notes the type of program:
Autistic Support
Learning Support
Life Skills Support
Emotional Support
Multi-Disability Support
Deaf and Hearing Impaired Support
Vision Support
Speech and Language Support.
The above-mentioned classes/services are implemented in the Montoursville Area School District or in adjacent school districts (operated by the Intermediate Unit, BLaST) or through contract agreement with a neighboring district.
In addition to the direct services, if the exceptional child is eligible, related services can be part of the Individualized Educational Plan. These services can include physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech and language support.