Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your consideration in volunteering your time to benefit our students. Although volunteer opportunities are limited at the middle school, we still welcome your involvement. To contact the McCall PTO, please visit our Facebook page or contact Candi at cdleisenring@aol.com.
The school hosts a few dances throughout the school year to benefit various student groups. The PTO operates a concession stand during these dances. Volunteers are needed to work the concession stands from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
PSSA Snacks
The PTO provides the students with snacks during the test days. Volunteers are needed to bag snacks to be delivered to homerooms.
Volleyball Game
The 7th and 8th grade Volleyball game takes place in March. Volunteers are needed to serve pizza and drinks after the game.
Our Hospitality and Special Events Chair occasionally needs bakers to assist in teachers appreciation week, receptions, and other events that take place during the school year. Our first teacher appreciation week is in November. If interested in donating, please contact Rachel Bradley at (570)419-8217.
The PTO needs volunteers to count money and orders for fundraisers that take place in the fall and winter of each year. They also seek volunteers for delivery day.
Field Days
Help hand out snacks to class when they return from their field day.
8th Grade Celebration
Help with necessary preparations and chaperone the 8th grade class as they celebrate.