Tamra Wallace
Amanda Walter
Welcome to Biology, I hope all of you are well! An overview of in-class lesson plans can be accessed by clicking the Lesson Plans (In-Class) link on my staff directory page. All notes, assignments, activities, and due dates will be posted and consistently updated on students’ Google Classroom pages. Please email me at awalter@montoursville.k12.pa.us or awalter@masd.us if you have any questions or concerns.
Jacob Wasilko
Social Studies
Ashley Weaver
5th Grade Language Arts
Craig Weaver
6th Grade Math
Cindy Wentzler
Kiersha Whitehead
Special Education
Evan Williams
Technology Support Specialist
Krista Wise
Learning Support Teacher/ Teacher of English as a Second Language/National Honor Society Adviser
Susan E Wise
Assistant Principal
Google Classroom Codes:
Civics and Government: h7pnwoz
AP Government and Politics: gl6y4mb
Law: 35h2seu
You can contact me via searl@masd.us or through text or call at 570.447.9031. If you call or text, please leave your name!
For the 2019-2020 school year I am teaching Civics and Government, AP US Government and Politics, and Law. The Civics classes are 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 9th periods. AP US Government and Politics will be 3rd period on odd days and Law is 7th period on odd days. In the past, I taught World History and Multicultural Studies, too.
Any student who needs additional help can get help from me in the morning before school starts, during 2nd period, during my lunch (5th period), during 7th period on even days, and after school. If you need to come in early or stay after school, please make arrangements with me. I have Mock Trial practice starting at 7:30am and can arrange to help you during that time.
I coach the MAHS Mock Trial team which competes at the Yale Bulldog Invitational, the Penn State Blue and White Courtroom Classic, and the statewide Pennsylvania Young Lawyers Division of the PA Bar Association’s Mock Trial competition. This year we will be skipping the Yale competition and going to Harvard for its Mock Trial Workshop for High School in November. The team is at an all time high for the number of members. Senior Captains are London Mussina and Jennie Brouse. Lanie Mussina is the Underclass Captain.
My degrees are a Master of Arts in American History and Government from Ashland University and a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Economics from Lycoming College. I am also a James Madison Scholar. I started at MAHS in the fall of 2004 having previously taught in Brandon, FL.