AP can change your life. Through college-level AP courses, you enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school; through AP Exams, you have the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation’s colleges and universities. These college level courses require students to meet high standards for success. They require reading and writing skills at a superior level as well as abilities to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and create. Students selecting these courses must be highly motivated, self-directed learners. All students enrolling in AP courses are highly encouraged to take the Advanced Placement exam for that course. Students considering college in their future plans should enroll and successfully complete an AP class before graduation. The experience and preparation required will give you a good idea of what a college class will be like.
Check out this website for more information and tips on the AP Exam:
You are encouraged to use the website below to search the colleges you are interested in to see which college credits you may be able to earn from the AP exam scores you receive: