MS Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader Program at McCall Middle School 2020-2021

You can NOW take AR Tests at home on your Chromebooks!

This is an explanation of the Accelerated Reader Program at McCall Middle School, hopefully it will clarify any questions that you may have.  This reading program is a component of the Language Arts curriculum.  Decisions regarding this program are guided, discussed and decided by the Language Arts Department of C.E. McCall Middle School. 

This reading program incorporates all grade levels. It is a purchased software program. Its primary purpose is to encourage reading through incentives and thus improve reading ability. Reading books are evaluated and assigned a reading level; a multiple-choice test is prepared for the book, and a point value is issued to it. When a student has read a book on the Accelerated Reader List, he can then take a test on it. If he passes the test, the student will accumulate points. The student will accrue points throughout the school year.

At each grade level the teacher has given instructions and guidelines for acceptable books: a minimum reading level and the minimum number of books to be read for the marking period.  The required reading levels are assigned by teacher, STAR Reader results and differ per grade. This will eliminate the problem of higher level students reading 2.0 level books for points only.  Remember, the purpose of the program is to encourage students to read and improve their reading ability.  If there is no increase in reading level or challenge to the reader, the program cannot be effective.

Changes may occur as the program progresses.

Program restrictions:
Any students that are involved in cheating will be given a “zero” for the test and disciplinary action will be taken.  
A test can be taken only once. Even if the student fails the test, the score stands.

Any questions about the program can be directed to Mrs. Megan Altebrando, C. E. McCall Middle School Librarian.  Phone  570-368-2441 ext. 4040  email: