Beth Verrico » McCall Staff Directory


Mr. Curtis J. Myers
Mrs. Ronda K. Albert
Assistant Principal
C.E. McCall Middle School
600 Willow Street
Montoursville, PA 17754

Work Phone: 570-368-2441
Work Fax: 570-368-2768


Beth Verrico

6th Grade Social Studies Mccall Middle School
Website: Homework chart Menne/Weaver Website: Homework chart Simpson/Hanna
Photo of Beth Verrico


Hi there!  I can’t wait to meet all of you next week.  For sixth grade social studies you will receive a green folder.   I’d like each student to have a pencil case with the materials listed below.  Your folder, and pencil case will be needed in class each day. I can’t wait to see all of you, soon.  Enjoy these last few days!!

Pencil case contents:


*Highlighters (we use these daily)

*small pack of colored pencils


*dry erase markers

*dry erase eraser (socks work well)


Lesson plans, assignments, and expectations: