Pink Eye Policy
There can be several reasons for children to have the “whites” of their eyes appear pink or red. Seasonal allergies, for example, are one of them. Getting poked in the eye, or having dirt or an eyelash in the eye can be another reason. Not all “pink eyes” are a cause for concern. However, Conjunctivitis, the medical term for “pinkeye”, is an inflammation of the thin tissue layer of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids. Common causes of pinkeye are bacteria and viruses, which can be quite contagious.
In order to contain an outbreak of pinkeye at school, our policy is to exclude from school any student who is suspected of having pinkeye. (The “whites” of either eye are pink and/or red, and are accompanied by discharge and/or matting.) We recommend that your family doctor evaluate your child. If your doctor confirms it is pinkeye, and antibiotic eye drops are prescribed, your child needs to have been treated for 24 hours before returning to school. If the doctor does not feel it is pinkeye, the student may return to school with a note from the doctor indicating so.
To reduce the chance of infecting other members of the family:
• Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes
• Wash hands thoroughly before and after instilling eye drops
• When washing the face, wash around the uninfected eye first, then the infected eye.
• Do not reuse washcloth or use on any other family members until it has been washed in the laundry.
Please call the nurse at your child’s school if you have any questions.