Recommended Websites, Q-Z

S Science NASA Windows to the Universe Information about space and the planets National Center for Atmospheric Research Class Zone by McDougal Litell – link to text book Boat Safe Kids – History of Navigation Institute of Navigation Science Textbook Read More …

Recommended Websites, M-P

M Middle Ages & Renaissance Annenberg/CPB  Exhibits of the Middle Ages Renaissance and Baroque Architecture – images Medieval/Renaissance Food Home Page Society for Creative Anachronism Minnesota State University History Exhibits Michigan State University- Virtual Library  Medieval History – Life in Read More …

Recommended Websites, I-L

I Iditarod, Sled Dogs, Racing, and Alaska Alaska Dispatch Alaska Native Knowledge Network American Kennel Club Anchorage Daily News Blue Kennels – Sebastian Schnuelle Chinook Owners Assocation Comeback Kennels – Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey DeeDee Jonrowe Discovery Channel Gary Paulsen Read More …

Recommended Websites, E-H

E Earthquakes and Volcanoes Michigan Technological University Volcanoes Page US Geological Survey Volcano Page US Geoglogical Survey Earthquake Hazards Program Page Smithsonian Institute – Global Volcanism Program Cascades Volcano Observatory US Geological Survey Main Page Oregon State University – Read More …