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September Students of the Month

Every month, the Montoursville and Warrensville Lions Club pick two seniors to recognize as Students of the Month. For September, Jaeda Smith and Christian Smith were chosen for the Montoursville Lions, and Melissa Reeder and Matthew Conklin were chosen for the Warrensville Lions. The Arrowhead is not responsible for choosing the Boys and Girls of the Month.

Jaeda Smith

parents: Jennifer Smith and Joseph and Randy Livingston

Favorite memory: Cleaning up after winter formal junior year.

Activities: Key Club (9-12), Science National Honor Society (10-12), Student Government (10-12), Rho Kappa (11-12) Vice President, National English Honor Society (11-12) Vice President).

Future Plans: Attend a college and major in history with plans to go the pre-law track.


Christian Smith

parents: David and Wendy Smith.

Favorite memory: Competing in Academic Decathlon Nationals last year as captain, when my team won ten medals and I won four.

Activities: Academic Decathlon (9-12) Senior Captain, Band, Choir (9-12) Secretary (11), PMEA (10-11), District and Regional Choir, National Honor Society (10-12) Historian, Rho Kappa (11-12) President, Mock Constitutional Convention (9-12), Model UN (9-12), Musical Theater, and Key Club (9-12).

Future Plans: Attend college majoring in political science and economics.


Melissa Reeder

parents: Mary DiFuccia and Christopher Reeder.

Favorite memory: Singing my original song in front of the whole school was just an amazing experience. 

Activities: National Thespian Honor Society (10-12) President, Theater Arts Club (9-12), Concert Choir, Gender-Sexuality Alliance (10-12) Executive Board Member, National Honor Society (10-12), National Art Honor Society (12), Musical Theater Club (10-12), ‘Ville Harmonic Vocal Ensemble, and Key Club (9-10).

Future Plans: Attend Millersville University to major in Elementary Education.


Matthew Conklin

parents: Kristine and Jeff Conklin.

Favorite memory: Hitting the walk-off hit at Bowman field to win the District Championship (Baseball).

Activities: Student Government (12), Key Club (9-12) Sergeant of Arms (12), FBLA (11-12) Historian (12), Mu Alpha Theta (11-12), National English Honor Society (11-12), National Art Honor Society(12), Football (9-12), Basketball (9,11-12), and Baseball (9-12).

Future Plans: Attend college to study business for four years.


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