The artist of the month for November was chosen from the recent school play, “Hurry Up and Wait!” Junior Hunter Hepler was selected by play director Mrs. Kirstin Gist.
Q: Why did you choose to be in the play?
A: “I love theatre and it’s something I’m good at and enjoy doing.”
Q: Do you plan on being in the play for next year
A: “Yes, of course!”
Q: Do you plan on being in the musical?
A: “Yep, already auditioned and got my part.”
Q: What was your favorite part about the play?
A: “I loved the people I got to do it with. I also loved the laughter that filled the room each night.”
Q: What roles did you play?
A: “I played Jason in most scenes and Rob in the hospital scene.”
Q: How do you think the play went overall?
A: “I think it went better than expected. It was received well each night and each audience was equally amazing.”
Feature Photo (above): Junior Hunter Hepler played the taxi driver Jason in the fall play “Hurry Up and Wait.” The rest of the cast had just fled the stage and left ‘Jason’ alone. Photo by sophomore Lilly McCulloch.