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A day in the life of Mr. Johnson

Principal Mr. Matthew Johnson inspects Mr. King’s tire pressure. He has done this every day of the year to ensure students’ safety when they drive.

Have you ever wondered what principal Mr. Matthew Johnson does in a day? Well, The Arrowhead has all the answers.

To start his day every morning, Johnson goes to the parking lot and checks the air pressure in everyone’s tires. On the day we checked, the only person whose tire pressure was lacking happened to be Mr. King, surprisingly.

Next, we went to the athletics department where he drops all the basketballs from the top of the stairs to make sure they are properly inflated. Lastly, he goes to the cafeteria and taste tests all the food before taking his midday nap.

All kidding aside, Johnson’s day actually starts with greeting the student body as they walk into school. As a new face at the high school, Johnson said he is trying to learn as much as possible about things like the day-to-day systems, procedures, protocol, and policies of the school.

He said he finds that the best way to do this is to immerse himself in the everyday

Johnson checks a basketball to make sure it’s properly inflated. He has checked the balls every week so the basketball team can compete at a high level.

happenings of the school. This is why a majority of Johnson’s day is spent walking around the school and checking in on classrooms and lunch periods.

Johnson said that he also finds that the best way to get to know students is by spending time with them. This is why students will see him standing by the student section instead of sitting in the press box.

Johnson also spends a good amount of time doing the usual principal things including things like dealing with the budget, sitting in on meetings, and solving data and analytical problems.

Lastly, in his first year at the high school, Johnson said his main goal is to learn the culture and climate of the student body and staff and find ways to add and contribute to it.

Featured photo: Johnson taste tests the cafeteria food. Johnson does this on a daily basis to guarantee the food’s quality.

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