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October Artist of the Month: Metal

This month’s artists of the month are senior Sean Ravert and freshman Dillan Saul. They were selected by the metal teacher Mr. Benjamin Maclnnis.

Senior Sean Ravert working on his project for metal, a stool. He worked really hard on his project. Photo by sophomore Ali Ravert.

Sean Ravert                                          

Q: What made you join Metal?                               

A: “I wanted to learn how to weld.”

Q: Who inspired you to do metal?                               

A: “Fred Williams from the TV show ‘Dirt Every Day.'”   

Q: How long have you been in metal?                         

A:  “Four years.”                                                                  

Ravert’s final project is almost ready to be taken home. He has been working on it since the beginning of the year. Photo by senior Lita Fox.

Q: What is your favorite part about metal?                     

A: “I like thinking of new things to make and watching them come together as I make the projects.”           

Q: What can you tell me about your project?               

A: “My favorite project I’ve made is the one I’m currently working on, which is my stool. I like how it looks twisted because of the way the angles were put in the legs, and I like how the wooden top looks on the metal base.”





Freshman Dillan Saul works on his metal project. He spent the past few weeks working on his screwdriver. Photo credit to freshman Bella Losch.

Dillan Saul 

Q: What made you join Metal?                                                                  

A: “I like creating cool and unique things out of metal.”                              

Q: Who inspired you to do metal?

A: “Myself.”                                                                                                   

Q: How long have you been in metal?

A: “Since the start of the year.”

Q: What’s your favorite part about metal?

A: “Welding.”

Q: What can you tell me about your project?

A: “We are as a class making a screwdriver.”

Q: Do you plan on taking metal next year

A: “Yes.”

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