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October students of the month

Every month, the Montoursville and Warrensville Lions Clubs pick two seniors to recognize as students of the month. For October, Alexa Tira and Cole Yonkin were chosen for the Montoursville Lions, and Lauren Kremer and Josh Wentzler were chosen for the Warrensville Lions. The Arrowhead is not responsible for choosing the Students of the Month.

Alexa Tira

Parents: Andrea and Ryan Tira

Hobbies: Running, hanging out with friends, and reading 

Favorite Subject: Social Studies

Fondest Memory: Being on Homecoming Court with some of my best friends

Extracurricular Activities: Cross Country, Track and Field, Mock Trial, Marching Band, Key Club, (Pa. District Bulletin Editor), National Honor Society, Rho Kappa (Vice President), Spanish Honor Society (Secretary), Student Government

Future Plans: Alexa plans to hopefully attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to major in International Relations and minor in Terrorism Studies. 


Cole Yonkin

Parents: Matt Yonkin and Denice Rathjen

Hobbies: Lifting weights and pool

Favorite Subject: Math

Fondest Memory: Qualifying for states for wrestling

Extracurricular Activities: Football and wrestling

Future Plans: Cole plans to attend a four-year college for business management.


Lauren Kremer

Parents: Lauri and Ken Kremer

Hobbies: Reading and paddle boarding

Favorite Subject: Biology

Fondest Memory: The whole band trip to Boston.

Extracurricular Activities: Mock Trial (Captain), National Honor Society (Vice President), Color Guard (Section Leader), Spanish Club (Secretary), Arrowhead, Track and Field, National English Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Student Government, Physics Club, Rho Kappa, Key Club, Astronomy Club

Future Plans: Lauren plans to attend Bucknell University or Lycoming College to major in biochemistry and neuroscience. 


Josh Wentzler

Parents: Cindy and Todd Wentzler

Hobbies: Playing sports, watching movies, hiking, camping, and spending time with friends and family

Favorite Subject: Physics with Mr. Barbour

Fondest Memory: Long bus rides to away soccer games and tennis matches

Extracurricular Activities: Soccer, Tennis, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Rho Kappa, Mu Alpha Theta, Key Club, Yearbook Staff, Boy Scouts of America

Future Plans: Josh plans to attend either Syracuse University to major in Sports Analytics or Drexel University to major in Sports Business.

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