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“Hurry Up…and AUDITION!”

Auditions are over and rehearsals are in full swing for this year’s fall play, “Hurry Up and Wait!” Stick around to learn more about the audition process for school productions and how to get involved in one!

The cast had their first “read-through” on Sept. 11, which is when everyone sits down and reads through the entire script together.

“Nobody had seen the script before so all of our reactions were completely genuine and there were some points where we physically couldn’t stop laughing,” said junior Brooklyn Hazen.

The play “Hurry Up and Wait!” is a six-scene comedy about impatience where each scene is completely different from the next. For example, in one scene, a desperate woman has to catch her flight, but her taxi is stuck in traffic. In another scene, a jumpy hypochondriac is forced to wait in a doctor’s office full of sick people.

The play appeals to everyone who has ever wanted to scream when told, “patience is a virtue.”

Additionally, many of the cast members have mentioned that a lot of people would find this particular play very amusing, as it includes hilarious and relatable scenes.

On Saturday, Oct. 28th, the show has its opening night with performances at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The last performance is Sunday, Oct. 29th, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are available to purchase at

A lot of work goes on before a show can actually take place, and auditions must be held before anything else to determine the cast for the production. Even so, the audition process differs depending on the production type and whether it is a play or a musical.

Regarding the play audition process, choir teacher and play and musical director, Mrs. Kirsten Gist, said, “Students are provided [with] an audition packet…they complete it, review it with their families, and then bring a signed sheet back to the auditions. Students then have to memorize a monologue or short section of a scene in the play and perform it [at auditions].” 

When asked what the “vibes” are of play auditions, junior Brenna Rosenbaum said, “They are very welcoming and chill!”

When it comes to the spring musicals, the audition process is a little different, as it can take up to three nights. 

“On night one, students audition with monologues and are taught choreography on the spot, which is then performed in groups,” said Gist. “On the second night, students sing one or two musical numbers from the show. If we are unable to completely cast a show after those two nights, a third night of auditions occurs and is known as a ‘callback.’”

Then, Gist said, if callbacks occur, “We have those students sing an additional piece to make our final decisions. Once a decision has been made, the cast list and acceptance form are posted to the Google Classroom for students to accept or decline the role they have been given.”

Since the musical auditions are a bit more involved, sometimes they can be more stressful than play auditions. According to Hazen, the environment of the musical auditions can be very nerve-racking.

If one is interested in being a part of a production but is worried about auditions, Gist said she knows that getting up in front of people is never an easy task. Still, she, and the others involved in the casting process, try to make it as stress-free as possible.

Furthermore, a good number of students want to participate in productions but are also very involved in sports and other extracurricular activities.

Yet, Hazen said managing all of these activities is “not bad at all.” The biggest issue is the chance of rehearsals and practices overlapping, but, “if you communicate your needs and struggles to your teachers and coaches, they will totally understand!”

Overall, the theatre department at Montoursville could always use new faces and new talents to add to their productions.

“The people [involved in theatre] are so nice, and everyone enjoys what they are doing!” said Rosenbaum.


FEATURED IMAGE (above): The cast of “Hurry Up and Wait!” poses for a group photo. The cast had their individual headshots taken the week before.



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