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September Artists of the Month: Band

This month’s selections for artists of the month are seniors Zavien Allen and freshman Carly Lundy. They were selected by band director Mr. Chris Morgan.

Senior Zavian Allen walks with the marching band at the football game on Sept. 15.

Zavian Allen

Q: Why did you choose band?

A: My older sister did jazz band when she was in high school. At first, I didn’t like band and didn’t like going to concerts. At one of her performances, they played “Louie Louie” for jazz band and it made me want to do band.

Q: What is your favorite part about band?

A: Interacting with everyone and being a part of one big group and being able to see smiles on everyone’s faces

Q: Who inspired you to join band?

A: My older sister

Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?

A: I plan on going to IUP or Lock Haven for Environmental Science and joining their marching band.

Q: Why did you choose percussion?

A: A drummer let me hit the drum during a Mummers’ Parade. It was the Williamsport band and it made me fall in love with the drums.

Q: Are you planning on playing after high school? If so, why?

A: I love playing as a hobby and it can really destress. I can make a living off of it and be in a band and make new friends.

Freshman Karli Lundy cheerleading with her fellow cheerleaders at the football game on Sept. 15. Lundy’s talents span from the band to the cheer squad.

Karli Lundy

Q: Why are you in band?

A: Just the feeling of everyone supporting you and you get to know a lot of people and you can go to them if you need something and they will support you.

Q: What is your favorite part of band?

A: Getting to know everyone and having upperclassmen support.

Q: What inspired you to join band?

A: Dance and the musicality clicked when I started

Q: What instruments do you play?

A: Flute and the piccolo

Q: Why do you play these instruments?

A: They are pretty instruments and sound nice

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