A Look Through the Lens will be a weekly photo feature that captures MAHS life. This week’s Look Through the Lens photos are by sophomore Tori McKenna.
Senior Andrew Zhu bows after his performance of a couple of medleys on the piano. One of the medleys he performed was the theme song for Captain Jack Sparrow. Andrew received a second-place prize for his performance.Sophomore Alex Martyniuk performs the song called “Wake Up Darlin.” The crowd absolutely loved his performance, they loved it so much they got on their feet and cheered for him, and he even won the “Fan Favorite” award.Here Lea Beishline performs the song “La La Land Suite.” She did fabulously while executing an amazing performance with little mistakes. Lea’s performance was one of the best in the show.The sophomore class prepares to battle the freshman class in a game of tug-a-war in the Class Competition assembly. It was a close game, but the fans of the sophomore class roared loudly, and in the end the sophomores took the win home by just barely getting the red mark over their cone.The sophomore class prepares to battle the junior class in a game of tug-a-war. It was not a close game, the audience roared loudly, in the end the juniors easily overtook their opponent and prepared to battle their biggest challenge yet, the seniors.
In a game of musical chairs Mrs. Sandra Trick and sophomore Ruby Watts battle on the ground for the last chair. The crowd cheered with excitement, in the end Trick overtook the chair and stayed in the brutal game of tug-a-war.
At a boys’ varsity basketball game the student section prepares to throw teddy bears onto the court at half time because they are going to be donated to children in need. When the 30 second timer hit 0, a waterfall of teddy bears hit the court and in their support of charity.Here Faith Berwanger performs the worm for the sophomore class to gain points in their attempt to win the 2024 winter pep rally. The sophomore class cheered in amazement of the skill performed, unfortunately she did not win, but she certainty displayed a unique talent.