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November Artist of the Month: Metal

Alexander Middendorf (Senior)

Q: How many years have you been in metalworking?

A: “This is my third year taking metal — I took it freshman year, as well as sophomore year, and as a senior, this is my third year.”

Q: What is your favorite memory from being in metalworking?

A: “My favorite memory of metalworking is learning different types of welding. This year, I learned how to do stick welding and I really enjoyed it.”

Q: What is your favorite project you’ve ever completed?

A: “My favorite project I’ve ever made is a metal heart I made my sophomore year. I have it hung up in my room.”

Q: Why do you enjoy metalworking?

A: “I like hands-on learning. It’s a lot of planning and just overall very fun accomplishing a project.”

Q: If you were to try to convince someone to try out metalworking, what would you tell them?

A: “It’s very rewarding and teaches you a lot of life lessons. It’s not just metalworking but math, science, and art.”

Q: What are your plans for after high school? Will they involve the skills you’ve learned from this class in any way?

A: “My plans are to commit to the Navy. I’d like to do mechanics and/or welding for a year or two, then further my career and eventually go through BUD/S training and see where I am from there.”

Featured Photo (at top): Senior Alexander Middendorf works on a project in the metal shop. Middendorf took part in metalworking for three years. Photo provided by Alex Middendorf

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