Each month, the coaches from the selected athletic teams choose a senior of their pick, who they best strongly believe is their athlete of the month. The qualities a coach looks for in this decision are leadership, hard work, good sportsmanship, and one that gives their best effort every day. Girls’ tennis and cross country were selected as the athletic teams this month. Jill Stone represents tennis, and Weston Fry represents cross country
Girls’ Tennis: Jill Stone
Q: Do you have any superstitions or pre-game rituals?
A: “I always wear my hair in a “slick-back” or I play bad. I always have a pink accessory as well.”
Q: What is your favorite song to listen to on away-game bus rides?
A: “Nightcrawler – Travis Scott”
Q: What is your favorite pre-game snack and/or drink?
A: “Onion and Chie crackers.”
Q: What is your favorite motivational quote?
A: “Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish.”
Q: What advice would you give to younger players?
A: “If you aren’t having fun, then it’s not worth it. Enjoy your sport.”
Q: Do you plan to play tennis in college?
A: “Tennis is the only sport I’m considering as of right now.”
Q: Which college are you looking to attend and what is your current major of interest?
A: “I am looking at Penn State and Lycoming College for a major in communications, and a minor in political science.”
Q: What is the best advice a coach has ever given you?
A: “The best way to not double fault is to get your first serve in.”- Shawn Gardener
Q: How many years have you played tennis?
A: “All four years of high school.”
Q: How many hours of sleep do you try and get the night before your game?
A: “At least six, but it depends on if I’m facing an opp or not.”
Cross Country: Weston Fry
Q: Do you have any superstitions or pre-game rituals?
A: “Just warming up and stretching.”
Q: What is your favorite song to listen to on away-game bus rides?
A: “Superstar by Lupp Fiasco.”
Q: What is your favorite pre-game snack and/or drink?
A: “Chocolate chip Clif Bar and water.”
Q: What is your favorite motivational quote?
A: “To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.”- Steve Prefontaine
Q: What advice would you give to younger players?
A: “If you want to be good at your respective sports make sure you put the work in.”
Q: Do you plan to participate in cross country in college?
A: “Yes”
Q: Which college are you looking to attend and what is your current major of interest?
A: “Lock Haven, Bloomsburg, Saint Francis, Kutztown. Criminal justice.”
Q: What is the best advice a coach has ever given you?
A: “Don’t worry about what other athletes are running, worry about what you’re capable of.”
Q: How many years have you run Cross Country?
A: “Six years/ started in 7th grade.”
Q: How many hours of sleep do you try and get the night before your game?
A: “9 p.m to 7 a.m/ 10 hours of sleep.”