Books and Reading

Books and Reading

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” ~ Groucho Marks

“The man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot read.” ~ Mark Twain


Not sure what to read next?  Try the following interactive websites: (Simply type in the name of the book you enjoyed in the past, and these sites will suggest similar titles you might also enjoy.)

Your Next Read

The Bookseer


Not sure which books comes next in a series? Use this resource to find out:

Young Adult Books in Series and Sequels


Looking for a good App to keep track of the books that you have read,  to write your own book reviews, create “shelves” for your books, take book quizzes, view book lists, and more?  Install the good reads app on your phone or go to to access the goodreads site.


Click here to find a list of the latest books made into movies.

Use these booklists to find books that are both good reads and quality literature:

2017 Best Fiction for Young Adults

The College Board’s 101 Great Books for College-Bound