Brian Fagnano » McCall Staff Directory


Mr. Curtis J. Myers
Mrs. Ronda K. Albert
Assistant Principal
C.E. McCall Middle School
600 Willow Street
Montoursville, PA 17754

Work Phone: 570-368-2441
Work Fax: 570-368-2768


Brian Fagnano

7th and 8th Grade Mathematics Mccall Middle School
Website: Lesson Plans
Photo of Brian Fagnano


Students and Parents (Guardians).

Hello, I hope all of you are well.  The materials needed for our classes will include a notebook.  A spiral notebook is okay.  I recommend some mechanical pencils, though regular pencils are okay.

With regards to purchasing calculators, I recommend the TI-30XS Multi-View.  This is the calculator we have used in class for several years.  Thus, having  one at home to do homework will be beneficial.

Google Classroom materials will be discussed in class.  Lessons will be listed in the students Google Classroom.  If you have questions, please let me know.

All the Best,

Mr. Fagnano